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MY BODY IS MY OWN: Regional launch of UNFPA State of World Population Report


Speaker at the panel discussion of the UNFPA Eastern Europe & Central Asia on key findings of the UNFPA State of World Population Report 2021, “My Body is My Own,” on claiming the right to bodily autonomy and self-determination.


Date: 14 April 2021 
Time: 12:00-13:30 CET (13:00-14:30 Istanbul time)
Location: Facebook LIVE (@unfpa.eecaro)





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Webinar: Basics of Photo Editing, Erasmus +


Lead the online webinar on photo editing basics for youth workers. Training financed and organized through Erasmus+ program.


Date: 23 February 2019 
Time: 19:30-20:00 CET 
Location: Online / JoinMe Platform



Webinar: Hi-tech for better employability


Lead the online webinar on photography basics, as a part of the Eramus+ blended mobility project "Hi-tech for better employability".


Date: 7 December 2018 
Time: 16:00-17:30 CET 
Location: Online / JoinMe Platform



Webinar: Hi-tech for youth work


Lead three consecutive on-line training sessions on the basics of digital photography and video making, as a part of Hi-tech Youth Work strategic partnership project, validated by 4 youth organizations based in Italy, Malta, Moldova and Lithuania.


Date: November-December 2017
Location: Online / JoinMe Platform



Training Seminar “Let’s Get Visible”

Training - Seminar organized under the Erasmus+​


Dates:  26th October to 4th November, 2016

Classes : Photography & Videography

Language: English

Participants: 32 participants from 8 countries: Norway,

Latvia, Spain, Romania, Moldova, Armenia , Georgia and Ukraine.

Location: Vadul lui Voda, Moldova


Training Seminar “One nation ,many lives”

Training - Seminar organized under the Erasmus+​


Dates: 16th October to 24th October, 2016

Classes : Photography & Editing

Language: English

Participants: 28 participants from 9 countries: Norway,

Latvia, Spain, Romania, Moldova, Armenia , Georgia, Ukraine, Greece.

Location: Vadul lui Voda, Moldova


Training Seminar “Frames of Happiness”

Training - Seminar organized under the Erasmus+


Dates: 26th of August to 4th of September, 2015

Classes : Photography & Videography

Language: English

Participants: 30 youth workers from 8 countries like Armenia,

Georgia, Latvia, Moldova, Norway, Romania, Spain, and Ukraine.

Location: Vadul lui Voda, Moldova


Training Seminar “The Right of Being Human”

Training - Seminar organized under the Erasmus+


Dates: 27th of April to 8th of March, 2015

Classes : Video production

Language: English

Participants: 30 participants from 10 countries like UK, France,

Italy, Armenia, Moldova, Romania, Spain, Ukraine, Belorusia and Austria.

Location: Lecce, Italy


Training Seminar “Learn the Art of Photography ”

Workshop organized by Art Events


Dates: 20th of March to 25th of March, 2014

Classes : Photography

Language: Romanian & Russian

Participants: 60 participants

Location: Chisinau, Moldova


Training Seminar “Спутанный Film”

Training - Seminar organized under the Erasmus+


Dates: 25th of October to 4th of November, 2012

Classes : Video production

Language: English

Participants: 30 participants from Austria and Moldova.

Location: Baden, Austria

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